Home: ForBestAdvice - Education - Best Schools - Best Online Degree Programs for 2010
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Top Online Degree Programs  - Typical Cost per Unit

Business. Duke University Fuqua School of Business. MBA - Global Executive ($119,300).

Computer Science. Stanford University Center for Professional Development. Master of Science, Computer Science ($58,950).

Education. Columbia University Teacher's College. Master of Arts, Computing & Education/Teaching & Learning with Technology ($34,785).

Engineering. Stanford University Center for Professional Development. Master of Science, Engineering ($58,950).

Health. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. Master's in Public Health ($69,460).
Online Degree Program Costs(below)

Online Degree Program Costs:
  • Today's costs vary from $300 to $700 a credit.
  • Some schools charge roughly the same for an online degree as for a traditional degree. 
  • Some schools have a "distance learning" and "technology" fees, which can amount to more than $1,000 a year.  In the old days, this was to pay for the expensive satelitte transmission of live classes.  With the internet, this cost is much lower but the fees may still remain.  
  • Some schools require a brief campus residency for some part of the term. This can be in their dorms during summer sessions or expensive hotels.
  • For-profit schools, such as the University of Phoenix, tend to charge more than others to cover their marketing costs and pay a return to shareholders.
  • In general, you need 30 to 45 credits to complete a program

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