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Best Time & Day To Book Cheap Flights
Travel Tips
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What is the best strategy to get cheap flights? 

80% of cheap airline flight sales usually start on Tuesday morning and usually by Wednesday all the low cost travel ticket players are in the game.  [1]

Statistically, just after midnight, or 12:30AM Wednesday morning, most of the new fairs for Wednesday are set for the day after the airlines have seen what their competition offered on Tuesday. 

If an airline has decided to offer reduced prices for the first 100 bookings on Wednesday and advertise that price for the day, this will be the moment when the offer will appear. Stay on their web site, and keep refreshing the page. Not always, but if it happens, this will be the time and day when the new rates will show up.

ArticleHow To Book Cheap Flights Online:

Note 1: From an interview with Tom Parsons, CEO of bestfares during an interview on ABC's Good Morning America

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