Top 25 Engineering
Colleges and School Rankings - 2011 - Graduate Schools
School, City, State
1 Massachusetts Institute of
Technology; Cambridge, MA
2010 Total full-time enrollment:
2,677; 2010 Full-time faculty: 369; SCORE1: 100
2 Stanford University; Stanford, CA 2010
Total full-time enrollment: 3,572;
2010 Full-time faculty: 217; SCORE: 97
3 University of California--Berkeley; Berkeley, CA
2010 Total full-time enrollment:
1,759; 2010 Full-time faculty: 246; SCORE: 90
4 Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta, GA
2010 Total full-time enrollment: 4,607;
2010 Full-time faculty: 498
5 University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign; Urbana, IL
2010 Total full-time enrollment:
2,711; 2010 Full-time faculty: 386; SCORE: 80
6 Carnegie Mellon University; Pittsburgh, PA
2010 Total full-time enrollment:
2,334; 2010 Full-time faculty: 228; SCORE: 79
7 California Institute of Technology; Pasadena, CA
2010 Total full-time enrollment: 556;
2010 Full-time faculty: 92; SCORE: 78
8 University of Texas--Austin; Austin, TX
2010 Total full-time enrollment: 2,476; 2010 Full-time
faculty: 296; SCORE: 75
9 University of Michigan--Ann Arbor; Ann Arbor, MI
2010 Total full-time enrollment: 2,955;
2010 Full-time faculty: 353; SCORE: 74
10 Cornell University; Ithaca, NY
2010 Total full-time
enrollment: 1,665; 2010 Full-time faculty: 198; SCORE: 72
Purdue University--West Lafayette; SCORE: 71
11 University of Southern California; SCORE: 71
13 Texas A&M University--College Station; SCORE: 70
14 University of California--Los Angeles; SCORE: 68
14 University of California--San Diego; SCORE: 68
16 Columbia University; SCORE: 67
16 University of Wisconsin--Madison; SCORE: 67
18 Harvard University; SCORE: 65
18 Princeton University; SCORE: 65
20 Northwestern University; SCORE: 64
21 University of California--Santa Barbara; SCORE: 62
22 University of Maryland--College Park; SCORE: 60
22 University of Pennsylvania; SCORE: 60
24 Virginia Tech - Blacksburg, VA ; SCORE: 59
25 Pennsylvania State University--University Park;
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