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Robert Taylor
Xyber9 Buy and Sell Signals


Robert Taylor, author of Paradigm, a book about the "Xyber9 forecasts" that use gravity to time the stock market, has a major buy signal for October 5th, 2006.  Taylor has an exceptional record and his book is a good read.

Here are some of his graphs showing his buy and sell signals::

Calls 1987 top nearly to the day and got back in close to the bottom
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bullish the whole trip except for a short time out to pick up a small gain
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Calls 1987 top nearly to the day and got back in close to the bottom
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bullish the whole trip except for a short time out to pick up a small gain
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Note this model is relatively new so the charts are back tests of his model predictions. The book, Paradigm, is a great read about the discovery of a mechanical device that makes these market predictions by measuring and predicting gravity. In the book, we learn that rich powerful families have used the device to profit from market fluctuations and amass great wealth all the way back to the days of the Egyptians.

As I am with all market timers, I am a huge skeptic, but I love to follow them in the hopes we might find a goose that lays a golden egg.


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Robert Taylor is the author of Paradigm

Allan P. Harris writes: Paradigm is a novel written by Robert Taylor, published by Savas Beatie in 2006. It is the story of two brothers who discover the holy grail of stock market timing and then are chased across Europe and the United States by powerful dark forces who already had discovered the secret and are not too happy about sharing it. It's 600+ pages were a quick and entertaining read and I recommend it to those of you who enjoy reading and in particular, enjoy reading about anything related to the stock market.

"The science wrapped in this novel will challenge how we think about gravity and the relationship between science and business. Truth and fiction merge to tell an intriguing tale." (M. Douglas Ivester, Former Chairman and CEO, Coca-Cola)


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